What is Attar, Supplier of Attar, Manufacturer of Attar and Exporter of Attar

We Kalishankar Export are manufactured Indian Attars By the traditionally ‘ Degs & Bhapka system ’, its Called hydro distillation method . The still is heated form below by lighting a fire with the help of wood or dung . The temperature and speed of the distillation plant controlled by regulating the fire. The distillation is managed by highly experience workers who’s called ‘ Dighaa ’. He knows when the correct quantity of vapours have condensed inside the receiver by feeling the round part of the receiver under water. The water in the tank is change continuously to prevent the temperature rising too high. and managing the still is highly skilled job, as the operator must keep the boiling in the still at a level that matches the condensation in the receiver, in order to keep the pressure under control. When the desire quantity of vapours have condensed, the Dighaa rubs a wet cloth around the body of the still for a temporary pause in distillation and the fill...