Find out which essential oil is the Best Essential Oil for Your Skins

Essential oils are plant extracts made from flowers, leaves, and seeds. Some may have properties that can treat certain skin conditions. If you’re interested in trying essential oils specific to your skin concerns, consider talking to your dermatologist about the following options. Essential oils for dry skin Dry skin can occur during certain times of the year, as well as in desert-like climates. You may even have dry skin naturally from age or reduced activity in the sebaceous (oil) glands in your pores. Dry skin is often remedied with creams and moisturizers, but some essential oils could provide relief. Lavender You may have heard about using lavender for sleep and relaxation, but this multipurpose oil may also help balance out moisture levels in your skin. It’s an anti-inflammatory that can reduce redness and a natural hydra tor that can repair dry skin without making it too greasy. Chamomile Chamomile oil contains azulene, known f...