
Showing posts from 2020

OIL ! Which can help you in various ways. Headaches/Depression/Joint-Pain/skin-treatments.

Rosewood essential oil benefits includes reliving headaches and toothaches, treatment of insect bites, treating depression, acts as natural stimulant, improves cognitive functionality, prevention of bacteria infection, acts as deodorant and help fight cancerous cells. Other benefits include relieving joints pain, enhancing the skin and treating inflammation. Rosewood essential oil was widely used in elite perfumery during 1900 which put rosewood at the risk of extinction. Concerning this, the demand decreased giving rosewood trees a chance to grow and thrive again. Now, it has became a huge part of herbal medicines as it possesses many amazing health benefits. Before knowing the benefits of this amazing essential oil lets understand some basic information about this Rosewood Essential Oil. The Rosewood Tree basically belongs to Brazil. The Botanical name for the tree is Aniba Rosaeaodora. The essential oil of the rosewood is extracted from the woody flesh the tree from steam distillati...

Increase your immune system for fighting against Covid-19 with the Essential Oils

It's a year-round problem, but coming months we need to try that little bit harder to protect our immune systems . There are many studies that support the healing powers of aromatherapy and its potential for mental and physical well-being. Essential oils for one have numerous health properties and stress alleviating qualities that make them a great addition to your winter prep work. Consider using one of the essential oils below to better protect yourself from the flu this year. Lemon - Lemon  is exceptional when it comes to removing harmful toxins from the body making it a powerful essential oil for a healthy and strong body. Outside the realm of wellness and detoxification, Lemon is also a powerful natural household cleanser. Add 10 drops of lemon oil to water inside a spray bottle and what you get is an environmentally-friendly glass and wood cleaner. The “Lemony...