Benefits of Rose Essential Oil, What is Essential Oil, Manufacturer of Rose Oil, Exporter of Rose Oil

The Essential Oil of Rose is extracted by steam distillation of fresh Damascus Rose (Rosa Damascena, as it is known among botanists) and is composed of hundreds of components, out of which the major contributors are CitronellolNerol etc. Damascus Roses are the preferred variety because they are the most fragrant species and are believed to be the original red roses with the strongest aroma and highest oil content.

Rose Oil, which is extracted with the process of distillation. Steam distilled, Rose Essential Oil offered has antioxidant properties and is mostly used in crèmes. The presence of rapidly absorbed anti-oxidants and active ingredients makes the oil perfect to be used as a moisturizing day cream. Other than this, it is also used in soaps, cosmetics, toiletries and perfumesRose is a member of the Rosaceae family.

Now the question is in which cases and how the rose essential oil can help medicinally. So what are the health benefits of Rose oils..??

Let’s explore some of the medicinal and health benefits of rose essential oil below.

Antidepressant: Rose Oil boosts self-esteem, confidence, and mental strength while efficiently fighting depression. They can be very helpful in driving away depression and anxiety. As an antidepressant, patients with acute depression or those undergoing rehabilitation can be given routine and regular doses of this essential oil to bring positivity into their lives.
Antiphlogistic: Rose essential oil may calm down a patient of high fever by sedating the inflammation. It can also be beneficial in other cases of inflammation caused by microbial infection, ingestion of poisonous materials, indigestion, and dehydration. This can result in a reduction in associated conditions like rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and fever.
Antiseptic: This is the most fragrant and luxurious way to treat wounds; imagine treating wounds with Oils of Rose instead of those ordinary antiseptic lotions. Topically applying rose oil to wounds helps to protect them from becoming septic and developing infections.
Antispasmodic: Rose essential oil efficiently relieves spasms in the respiratory system and intestines, as well as muscular spasms in various limbs. It also helps to cure convulsions, muscle pulls, cramps and spasmodic cholera caused due to spasms.
Antiviral: Getting protection from viruses or getting yourself vaccinated against all of them is a tough task since some of them continue to mutate and trick our immune system, like an old friend who gives you a cold or influenza. The solution to this is to use an antiviral agent that behaves as a shield against any type of virus. Rose essential oil is one such shield, and studies have shown that it protects against many types of viral infections.

Aphrodisiac: There is almost no need to explain this aspect of rose essential oil. From Cupid himself to modern day’s high tech lovers, everyone knows how indispensable roses are in the romantic department. The basic element is the essential oil of the flower. The very scent of it can arouse you, and it boosts the libido while invoking romantic feelings which are essential for a successful sex life. This can reduce symptoms of sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, frigidity, and general disinterest in sexual activity with partners.
Astringent: The astringent property of Rose Oil has many benefits. It strengthens gums and hair roots while toning and lifting skin and contracting muscles, intestines and blood vessels. It protects against the untimely loss of teeth and hair, wrinkles, the loss of firmness of intestines and muscles of the abdominal area and limbs associated with aging. Above all, rose essential oil helps to stop the flow of blood from wounds and cuts by contracting the blood vessels. This astringent property can also cure certain types of diarrhea.
Bactericidal: It is a good bactericide. It can be used in the treatment of typhoid, diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning and other diseases which are caused by bacteria. Furthermore, it can cure internal bacterial infections like those in the colon, stomach, intestines, and urinary tract, as well as external infections on the skin, ears, eyes, and wounds.

Cicatrisant: This property of Rose Essential Oil can be of great interest for those who care a lot about their looks. It makes the scars and after marks of boils, acne and pox on the skin fade quickly. This includes the fading of stretch marks, surgery scars, and fat cracks associated with pregnancy and delivery. Much of this is due to the antioxidant activity of rose essential oil, which spurs on the healing processes of the skin.
Depurative: Rose essential oil purifies the blood by helping in the removal and neutralization of toxins. Once your blood is purified and free of toxins, you are protected from boils, rashes, ulcers, and skin diseases, as well as more serious conditions that free radicals can cause, like cancer and heart disease.
Emmenagogue:  It stimulates the hormone secretions which trigger menstruation. It is particularly effective on those who are suffering from obstructed and irregular menses. It also eases cramps, nausea, and fatigue while reducing the pain associated with menstruation and Post-Menopausal Syndrome.
Hemostatic: This property of the Essential Oil of Rose can be very useful for people suffering from hemorrhaging (bleeding, external or internal) after an injury or surgery. This speeds up clotting and coagulation of blood and stops excessive bleeding.
Hepatic: Rose essential oil is good for the health of your liver. It keeps it strong, properly functioning and protected from infections. It also treats problems like the excess flow of bile, acids, and ulcers.
Laxative: There cannot be a laxative with a better scent than this, which is an ironic benefit for a laxative. It can serve as a harmless and effective laxative with a beautiful smell causing no adverse side effects. It also influences the intestinal and anal muscles to help clear bowels. This helps in losing weight and preventing excess toxicity in the body.
Nervine: Rose essential oil acts as a tonic for the nerves. It gives them strength to bear shock and protects them from disorders resulting from age and injuries. It will keep your hands from trembling and help you overcome your anxiety when saying those three magic words to your dream girl for the first time.
Stomachic: Rose Oil is a stomachic as well. It soothes the stomach, sedates inflammation, helps it function properly and protects it from infections. It also protects your stomach from ulcers which often develop due to overproduction and release of acids into the stomach. Excessive acid can lead to heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, excess gas, impacted bowels, and bloating.
Cholagogue: It promotes the flow of bile from the gall bladder and helps to regulate the acid levels in the stomach and the blood, thus keeping you safe from problems like acidity and acidosis. It also helps in the digestion of food, together with the acids secreted into the stomach. Improved digestion can reduce the chances of constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and even more serious conditions like colorectal cancer.
Uterine: Rose essential oil can take care of many feminine problems such as uterine discharge, tumors, bleeding, and irregular menses. It purifies the uterus as well and keeps it functioning properly even in advanced age, thereby delaying menopause. By regulating menstruation, it is possible to eliminate the associated symptoms and problems of menstruation, including mood swings, hormonal imbalance, overeating, bloating, cramping, and excessive bleeding.
Other Benefits: It regulates hormone production and helps to balance them. It is one of the best oils to give you shining, fresh and youthful skin. The aroma keeps you charged and feeling happy. It promotes circulation, takes care of the heart, reduces blood pressure and helps to cure headaches, asthma, dehydration, leucorrhea and other infections.

There are also some caution about rose essential oils.
A Few Words of Caution- It can eliminate headaches if used in mild concentrations, but its strong aroma can do just the opposite if a very high concentration is used. Being an Emmenagogue, it should not be used during pregnancy, since there is no definite evidence of whether the effects of rose essential oil can be transferred to the fetus. It could possibly cause a miscarriage if taken in excess, so be careful before using it.
Constituents - Citronellol, geraniol, Phenyl ethyl alcohol.
Other Details- 
  1. Appearance - Light yellow, occasionally slight greenish, Transparent.
  2. Botanical Name- Rosa Damascena
  3. Extraction method- Deg and bhapka method (hydro- Distillation), Direct Fired Distillation unit (hydro-steam distillation) and Biller operated unit (steam distillation)
  4. Perfumery Note- Middle
  5. Properties- True rose oil is a light yellow, occasionally slight greenhs and semi solid at room temperature. The odour of the rose oil is very pleasant, powerful and characteristic of fresh rose and the flavour is sweet and somewhat honey- like.


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