Winter can be a beautiful time to sit back and enjoy the beauty of the season, but it is also a time for colds and flu. What are the best essential oils for winter wellness—to maintain the beauty of the season without the possible discomforts?
Using Essential Oils For Physiological Support -
Virtually all essential oils have some antimicrobial properties, but winter is the season of the virus—which is particularly difficult to combat. Viruses are impossible to “kill”’ because they are not “alive” to begin with—which is why antibiotics do not work against them. Most antiviral essential oils are effective against various forms of the herpes virus, not cold and flu viruses, and antiviral essential oils also work best before the virus has a chance to enter the host cells and replicate there, causing the disease.
While there is no research to show that essential oils can stop a flu in its tracks, there are several wonderful things they can do.
Citrus oils are known to get rid of germs in the air and can support the immune system and immune response, while several other essential oils are famous for their affinity for the respiratory system and their ability to ease some of the symptoms of cold and flu. Two of the most famous of these is peppermint and Eucalyptus. These oils can be very strong and can overwhelm some respiratory systems, especially those of young children. An alternative for peppermint is spearmint and a gentler species of Eucalyptus is E. radiata. Eucalyptus in any form needs to be used with caution, in low concentration, and kept away from the faces of young children, as is also true with other oils that are high in 1,8 cineole, also known as eucalyptol. Tea tree is another appropriate choice when talking about essential oils with antimicrobial properties.
Where to get the Essential Oils -
You can shop online for essential oils at the following websites :
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